11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary
30/8/17 - 31/8/17
Our own
A patrol consisting of 1 Sgt. and 2 O.R. left W Sap and moved due East from the Sap about 30 yds. and laid down and listened. After about 5 mins. they moved S.E. along the bank of the Valley for about 25 yds. and came across a shelter consisting of corrugated iron. A circular Type. The top was covered with earth 18" thick. This was concealed by growing grass. A track led back from this shelter towards the enemy's line. The grass around this shelter was beaten down. There was no other sign of recent occupation. A seat was made all around and a man could sit there in a stooping position. This is probably a sniping post as a number of shots lately have come from about this point. No enemy's patrols were met and no sounds of work were heard in enemy's lines. Patrol returned at 1.10 a.m.
A patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 2 O.R. left X Sap at 2.0 a.m. Patrol went East for about 30 yds then worked North towards enemy's Sap opposite Y Sap. Some rifle grenades were fired from enemy's Sap. No enemy patrols were encountered. Patrol returned by Y Sap at 2.45 a.m.
Our own
Between 3.0 and 4.0 p.m. DEVILS TRENCH was repeatedly shelled North of the SCARPE our heavy artillery fired with effect on a working party near DELBAR WOOD.
MONCHY was shelled during the day with shells of various calibres.
Enemy shelled MUSKET and CURB SWITCH (North) trenches at 4.30 a.m. with 4.2's.
Enemy shelled front line in SNAFFLE TRENCH at 4.30 a.m. with same calibre shells.
Our Own
Or M.G's fired harassing fire during the night.
An enemy M.G. fired during the night. The shots appeared to come from the direction of BOIS DES AUBEPINES, otherwise they were comparatively inactive.
At 11.55 a.m. a German in a soft cap was observed walking down DEVILS TRENCH from N. to S. at a point just N of CIGAR COPSE, carrying dugout timber.
Several men in steel helmets were seen about the same point by our observers. A man taken for an Officer owing to peaked cap and gold braid on epaulettes was directing the work.
Our snipers hit a man behind DEVILS TRENCH at 500 yds. range. He fell and two others went out to him but left him. It is presumed he was killed.
The sap opposite Y Sap appeared to be garrisoned fairly strongly as Very lights and rifle grenades appear to come from this direction in fair numbers.
One Offr. and 2 men were seen in DEVILS TRENCH at 11 a.m. The Offr. was viewing our lines with field glasses. The men were pointing out something to him. They were fired on and then disappeared.
Aircraft on both sides was below normal.
The flash of an enemy T.M. was observed in DEVILS TRENCH at about I.32.a.00.50. Transport was heard during the night apparently from the direction of JIGSAW WOOD.