11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary

28/8/17 - 29/8/16


Our own

A patrol of 3 O.R. left V Sap at 11 p.m. and remained out for an hour. No enemy movement was seen and the enemy did not appear to be doing any work.

A patrol under an Officer left our front line at I.31.b.5.7. at 1.45 a.m. and worked towards the enemy Sap opposite Y Sap. Whistling was heard and lights were put up apparently from this enemy sap. No enemy were encountered and no work appeared to be in progress.




Our own

Normal during the day; by night bursts of harassing fire were fired on back areas and enemy tracks.


Very few rounds were fired on this front.

Trench mortars were fairly active during the 24 hours. One was distinctly seen firing and a bearing was taken from Battalion Head Quarters in BAYONET TRENCH. The magnetic reading was 109 degrees. The exact spot can easily be seen and was pointed out to the Artillery Officer. A few rounds were fired but weather conditions did not appear to favour accurate or consistent shooting.


During the night the following shoots were carried out:-

  1. On enemy front line I.32.c.2.7. to I.32.c.2.5.
  2. On enemy working party in ARROW TRENCH I.32.c.25.30.


Our Own

Our M.G's fired 6,000 rounds on enemy tracks as follows:-

No. P.7 and 8 ..... On I.22.b. No P.9 ..... On I.26.b. and Battn. H.Q.


An enemy M.G. traversed LANCER LANE and H Post throughout the night.


A white signalling lamp was observed to be used in the direction of DELBAR WOOD at 11 p.m. No message could be picked up. At 11.30 p.m. what appeared to be an enemy S.A.A. dump was on fire behind HAUSA WOOD.

At "Stand down" this morning the enemy sent over T.M's of a very large calibre. They dropped in the vicinity of CHAIN SUPPORT.

Considerable movement of enemy moving in twos and threes has been observed in the direction of QUARRY WOOD.

At 10.45 p.m. a brilliant flare was seen in the direction of DEVILS TRENCH opposite junction of HARNESS and HALBERD. Nothing unusual followed. White lights were sent up every time the T.M. fired (vide enemy's Artillery). Obviously this T.M. had a man registering for it. This man's position appeared to be on the high ground opposite the Left of the Right Sub-Sector.

29/8/17. (Signed) For Lt. Col. Commdg. 11th Inf. Bde.

11th Infantry Brigade - Supplementary Daily Intelligence Summary

28/8/17 - 29/8/16


Our own

An Officers patrol left T Sap in I.31/1 at 10 p.m. and proceeded 100 yds. down BIT LANE, they then turned N.W. and proceeded 50 yds. parallel to ARROW TRENCH, a clear view of which could be obtained owing to the moonlight. A M.G. then opened fire from about I.31.d.95.50 (N. end of ARROW). The patrol remained in a shell hole for a quarter of an hour during which time 3 Very lights were fired from 2 sentry posts in ARROW. One post was just S. of BIT LANE. No work or wiring was going on, on the trench.

A patrol of 1 Offr., 1 N.C.O. and 3 men left ARROW Sap at 12.30 a.m. and proceeded N.W. along ARROW. At I.32.c.35.10 a cough and talking was heard. Patrol moved closer and heard a party digging. One coil of barbed concertina is out almost on the parapet of ARROW. Men could not be seen in the trench which is deep. A patrol of 4 men were observed to come out of the trench and disappeared in an Easterly direction.

Patrol then moved further along and found enemy digging up to I.32.c.25.20. They returned to our lines E. of BRIDOON ALLEY. The T.M.'s were informed of the position of this working party and fired 30 rounds in three bursts. The Lewis Guns cooperated firing 3 magazines enfilade fire.



Enemy occasionally shelled MONCHY, BRIDOON, CHAIN SUPPORT and RIFLE SUPPORT.



5.0 to 5.5 p.m. 10 rounds heavy Minnie on right Coy H.Q. Right Sub-Sector, and BRIDOON.

9.20 p.m. Minnie 2 fired 20 rounds on BRIDOON T.M. emplacement. Our Artillery retaliation was successful. This Minnie did not fire again.


Between 8.30 and 9.30 a.m. and again at 6.0 p.m. a party of 6 to 10 Germans were seen grouped together at the foot of a telegraph pole on the ridge about 500 yds. left of HAUSA WOOD.

At 9.30 a.m. a party of 4 men were see working in DEVILS Tr. about I.32.a.10.05. Thry were fired on by one of our snipers and 1 hit.

Between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. large parties of the enemy were seen moving backwards and forwards along ARTILLERY LANE E. of HATCHET WOOD. At about 2.30 a.m. an enemy transport wagon was seen on this road in I.34.a. It disappeared into HATCHET WOOD.

29/8/17. (Signed) For Lt. Col. Commanding 11th Infantry Brigade.