11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary

26/8/17 - 27/8/17


Our own

A patrol of 1 Offr. and 1. O.R. left X sap at 8 a.m. and crawled 50 yds. N.E. to I.31.b.7.5. working round South to I.31.b.8.4. From this position sounds of someone picking and talking were heard about I.31.b.9.4. The patrol remained stationary at I.31.b.8.4. observing until 9.15 a.m. when it returned to our line via X Sap.

A patrol of 2 Offrs. left Y Sap at 5 p.m. for the purpose of inspecting our wire round Y Sap. When the patrol got out to the wire it heard picking in front so crawled forward and discovered that the enemy were working underneath the tall telegraph pole at I.31.b.7.7. It is suspected that the enemy are making an observation post here. The patrol listened and observed for a few minutes and then returned to our lines and obtained some rifle grenades. It then went out again to our wire and fired 11 rifle grenades at the pole but it is not known with what effect. Patrol came in at 6.10 p.m.


Our own

Our artillery fired on the Heavy T.M. at I.32.c.7.3. at 10.45 a.m. This T.M. has not fired since.


The enemy shelled MONCHY with gas shells between 5.20 a.m. and 5.40 a.m. Otherwise quiet.

Enemy Artillery activity below normal on our front. A few rounds were fired on our back areas during the day. About 6 T.M. shells were fired at our front line at junction of CURB ALLEY and HALBERD TRENCH. About 20 pineapple bombs were fired on our trench at 2 a.m. and again at 4.15 a.m.


Our Own

During the night a shoot was carried out on bank I.32.a.05.00 - I.32.a.05.05 where a M.G. was suspected.

Retaliation was given for enemy T.M. fire on our emplacement in CURLY TRENCH which silenced the enemy for the remainder of the night.



Our Own

M.G's at P.9. and H Post fired on enemy tracks etc., during the night.


Enemy M.G's were active and swept the vicinity of H Post during the night.


Hostile snipers were more active than usual.

8 hostile Balloons were in the air about 8.15 a.m.

There was considerable movemement in and about PELVES. Our artillery were informed.

Men were occasionally seen walking along CARTRIDGE TRENCH at I.32.b.3.2. They were not wearing steel helmets. The trench appears to be very shallow for some distance on either side of this point. At about 5.30 a.m. 26th, a pigeon flew from the enemy line towards ours and then swerved and flew off in the direction of JIGSAW WOOD.

A number of pigeons were let loose from the enemy line front line at 8.0 p.m. It is reported one flew along our front line and was fired on and hit. It could not be brought in as it fell in the enemy's wire.

At 9.20 a.m. 2 men left the JIGSAW WOOD and disappeared over the ridge to the N.

2 men walking over the open got into a trench in the vicinity of PARK WORK.

A small body of men was observed on the road about I.22.d.1.0. 2 minutes later our shrapnel was observed to burst over the spot.

Between 9.0 p.m. and 11.0 p.m. a lamp was observed signalling from behind JUNCTION COPSE.

28/8/17. (Signed) For B.G.C., 11th Infantry Brigade.