11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary

25/8/17 - 26/8/17


Our own

A patrol of 1 Offr. and 1. O.R. left our trenches about I.32.c.0.0. They crawled to within 30 yds. of the enemy's wire and heard a party at work. About 10 appeared to be wiring and another party could be seen digging on the parapet. At 10.30 p.m. some shells and T.M. Bombs were fired near our wiring parties on the left of the Left Coy. Right Sub-Sector. One red light bursting into two was sent up from the enemy's trench and the range was shortened and soon afterwards another red light breaking into four was sent up and the shelling ceased. At the same time two whistles were head and everybody disappeared into the trench. The patrol stayed for about another hour but no movement was seen in the trench. An enemy covering party was observed at about 11 p.m. on the right of the patrol.

At "stand-to" a patrol of 1 Offr. and 1 N.C.O. went out from about I.31.d.8.4 to find out if the enemy was working. Hostile wiring parties were seen. The patrol returned and Lewis Guns opened fire with good effect.

An Officers patrol went across the gap and saw no enemy; the next Battalions Post was visited.

At 11.15 p.m. a hostile working party at about O.2.b.25.75 was successfully dealt with by our Lewis Guns.

A patrol of 1 Offr. and 20 O.R. left X Sap at 1.30 a.m. and advanced to within 20 yds. of the enemy's wire. The wire consists of two rows of plain concertina wire with barbed wire twisted in. No sign of work was observed in the enemy's line but voices were heard. The patrol returned via V Sap at 2.15 a.m.

Another Officers patrol left V Sap at 9 p.m. and proceeded for about 100 yds. in an EASTERLY direction stopping at intervals to listen. It then moved North for 150 yds. The enemy was inactive. Patrol returned via W Sap at 10.30 p.m.


During the day his snipers were active. His trench mortars were livelier than usual. The enemy fired 20 Rifle Grenades about I.31/2. At intervals during the day the enemy fired a number of light Trench Mortar bombs between SCABBARD SUPPORT and the front line.



Enemy Artillery was more active at 2.30 p.m. Twenty 5.9's fell around trench junction I.31.c.20.05. and this place received attention at intervals during the night. Field guns shelled the Right of the Right Sub-Sector at 9 p.m. and harassed wiring parties of the left Coy. of the Right Sub-Sector at 10.30 p.m.

MONCHY was shelled off and on throughout the period.

About 3.30 p.m. H Post was lightly shelled.


Our Own

During the night shoots were carried out on the following targets,
1. M.G. position at I 31.b.95.65. This gun did not fire again during the remainder of the night.
2. DEVILS TRENCH at I.32.c.23.40.


Hostile T.M's were extremely active throughout the day. The Right Coy. of the Right Sub-Sector received most attention.

A Medium Trench mortar was particularly active at 6.30 p.m. ; it was easily visible by its smoke and was firing from I.33.c.2.3.


Our Own

Our guns at G, H and P.9 positions fired on enemy tracks N. of KEELING COPSE and S. of PELVES.


Enemy M.G's swept H and G Post during the night - some of our Infantry troops were hit in LANCER LANE in H.36.c and d. The gun was apparantly firing from PELVES.

Hostile M.G's were again very active especially against the Right Coy. of the Right Sub-Sector.


Several small parties were seen at 5.30 p.m. coming down the road at I.22.d.5.5., at which point they entered a trench.

A small party was seen working at I.28.b.2.8.

3 men wearing helmets were seen in DEVIL about I.32.c.5.3. they were fired on and disappeared. A few Germans wearing soft caps with peaks were seen in DEVIL at 10.50.

An enemy working party was seen at about 2.30 p.m. from I.26.b.15.00. to I.26.b.0.5. Our Artillery were informed.

Several Germans were seen during the day near PELVES.

When the enemy shelled our front line some shells dropped short, a rocket bursting into two red lights was then fired from DEVILS TRENCH. The firing then stopped for a few moments, then continued, the range was then considerably increased.

The usual signals observed with a red lamp in JIGSAW WOOD.

An enemy's working party was observed in front of DEVILS TRENCH at I.31.b.95.35 about 9.50 p.m. The Artillery were informed and six rounds were fired at them. This working party was not again heard or seen.

At 2.20 a.m. a train was heard behind the enemy's line.

Two pigeons flew over our line at 7 a.m. flying towards MONCHY.

Machine Guns on our left report. During the day movement was seen in ANGEL TRENCH. Several of the enemy were fired at but managed to escape. One man, observed climbing over the parados was fired at and seen to fall over the parados. A strict watch was kept on this spot but he was not seen again; it is presumed he was hit.

Digging was observed at junction of ANGEL and ARCHIE Trenches as much fresh earth was thrown over the parapet.

26th August, 1917. (Signed) For B.G.C., 11th Infantry Brigade.

ARTILLERY (Continued)

Unusual enemy activity during the afternoon. At 2.40 p.m. the enemy shelled LONE LANE - H Post - ORANGE AVENUE - LIME TRENCH - one direct hit was obtained on H Post and two direct hits were obtained on ORANGE AVENUE.

MONCHY was shelled with 5.9's or 8" at about 3 p.m.