11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary

24/8/17 - 25/8/17


Our own

An officer and N.C.O. left our trenches on patrol about I.31.d.8.4. and went due East. After going about 90 - 100 yds. they found two shell holes which showed recent signs of occupation. An enemy working party was heard. On advancing further thay found a part of four wiring: fire was not opened owing to our wiring parties being in that vicinity.

A patrol of 1 Offr. and 1 N.C.O. left W Sap at 12 m/n and went East 100 yds. towards DEVILS TRENCH, a German wiring party was distinctly heard. Patrol went forward another 20 yds. and found themselves very near another party which must have been out as a covering party. This party was discovered by one of them coughing. Patrol laid there some time until about 1.10 a.m. Patrol then returned and heard another party South of W Sap. Patrol entered W Sap about 1.30 a.m. and opened fire on hostile patrol and working party.

Another patrol of 1 Off. and 1 O.R. left X Sap at 11.20 p.m. and proceeded South East. Patrol went as far as the enemy's wire in front of DEVILS TRENCH and found that the wire consisted of two rows of plain concertina wire, with barbed wire twisted into it. The grass between the enemy's wire and his trench has been cut. DEVILS TRENCH appears to be a wide trench and blown in in parts. None of the enemy was seen in the trench. Patrol returned through Y Sap at 12.15 a.m.

Patrol of 1 Offr. 2 O.R. left Y Sap at 12 m/n and crawled towards enemy Sap at I.31.b.8.7.: when within 20 yds. of the Sap three of the enemy were seen standing on the parapet of the Sap. Two bombs were thrown at them.

Patrol then wheeled South for about 40 yds. when it again turned East and proceeded about 80 yds. where it encountered a German patrol of 9 advancing towards our lines. Our patrol was not strong enought to fight so it returned to our lines by Y Sap at 1.15 a.m. when Lewis Gun fire was opened on the enemy's patrol.



Enemy Artillery was active from 6 to 8 a.m. against MONCHY. About 9 a.m. 30 5.9s fell in the vicinity of I.31.c.20.05. About 10 p.m. 10.15 and 10.30 p.m. field guns put a light barrage on front and support line from I.35.d.95.05. to I.35.d.75.70.

MONCHY was shelled with 5.9's and 4.2's all day and night. On our own front the enemy Artillery has been very quiet. About 9.45 p.m. about 30 77 m.m. shells were fired about I.31/4.


Our Own

The following points were fired on by our mortars during the night. Suspected M.G. position in DEVILS TRENCH at I.31.b.99.45. Enemy front line at I.32.c.45.25.


The enemy retaliated on our positions for our fire on the first mentioned targets. When firing on the second target, the enemy put up a green light which broke into three. This was repeated 3 times, as far as we could ascertain nothing happended in consequence.

A few rounds were fired at 9.30 p.m. and 5.30 a.m. on SNAFFLE. A few rounds were fired at N. TWIN COPSE at 5.15 a.m. At 5.30 a.m. they were active against the Left Coy. Obtaining one direct hit on CHAIN SUPPORT.


Enemy M.G's were extremely active against the Right Coy. Right Sub-Sector interfering considerably with the wiring parties.


The MG's mentioned above are reported to have been firing from O.2.a.90.90. and I.32.c.65.30. The M.G. emplacement reported previously at I.31.b.9.6 has been covered over with brown earth and more wire put in front of it. Throughout the day Germans were seen to walk in pairs and singly from JIGSAW WOOD in the direction of HAMBLAIN.

The usual signalling took palce during the night from JIGSAW WOOD.

2 Germans were seen in DEVIL during the day and were fired on by our snipers.

At 3.15 p.m. about 20 Germans were seen on the South side of PELVES. Arrangements have been made to inform the Artillery if they are seen again.

When our trench mortars were firing the enemy sent up a green light bursting tnot two; this was repeated twice bu no action followed.

It was observed that as soon as our Stokes Gun opened fire, the enemy sent up a light which burst into green, this appeared to be answered by one white light from the Support and then their Artillery opend fire. Several White Very light were fired at 10 p.m. last night East of JIGSAW WOOD.

Signalling was also seen from the same point.

3 Germans wearing shrapnel helmets were observed in DEVILS TRENCH at 9 a.m. the 24th at I.32.a.1½.0.

E.A's were observed over our line at 9 a.m.

At various times during the afternoon a heliograph was observed signalling from a tree in VICTORIA COPSE.

From BRIDOON a party of the enemy was seen at I.21.a.75.35. walking about. It is thought that they live in this vicinity.

25/8/17. (Signed) For B.G.C., 11th Infantry Brigade.