23/8/17 - 24/8/17
A patrol of 1 Offr. and 1 N.C.O. went out from I.31.d.9.5. at 9.15 p.m. to examine ARROW. The enemy were extremely active with lights which made movement difficult. They got close to trench, when a light was sent up a short way to their front. They waited and listened and heard the enemy talking but there were no sounds of work and he was not wiring in front of DEVIL. No wire was found in front of ARROW. They then proceeded Northwards along the trench and about 15 yds. from it. Several lights were fired at their direction; the patrol returned to the point fron where it had started. No enemy patrol was encountered.
An Officers patrol left V Sap at 1.30 a.m. and patrolled No Man's Land returning by W Sap. All was quiet. The enemy fired 3 Very lights (white) in rapid succession which fell a few feet from Y Saphead.
The enemy was exceptionally quiet. He traversed with a M.G. about 2 a.m. along our left front line.
During the night there was intermittent fire on enemy's front and support lines. On the whole our Artillery was unusually quiet.
About 3.30 a.m. enemy shelled the vicinity of MONCHY with medium sized shells, probably 4.2's about 40 rounds were fired.
During the night salvoes were fired on DEVILS TRENCH between I.31.b.8.7. and I.32.a.0.3. where M.G's were active.
Salvoes were fired on ARROW TRENCH I.32.c.10.45. which was reported to be occupied.
Our M.G's at G Post and No. 8 Position fired 4,000 rounds on enemy tracks and Battalion Head Quarteers in I.27.a.
The enemy appears to have done a good deal of work on his parapet opposite the extreme right.
The M.G. at I.31.b.9.6. fired at an aeroplane at 2.30 p.m.
An Helio was signalling in GUN TRENCH at 3.12 p.m.
3 Germans were seen at 5.5 p.m. standing outside TREE TRENCH at I.33.c.9.6. for 5 minutes.
No enemy balloons were up during the day.
At 9.52 p.m. what appeared to be a Gas Alarm was heard from enemy lines North of the RIVER SCARPE followed by coloured lights and barrage being put down on our front line (N. of the RIVER).
Signalling with a red lamp was observed from direction of PLUVAIN at 9.45 p.m. and between 11.30 p.m. and 12.10 a.m. The message was not intercepted.
At 9.30 p.m. a fixed red light was observed in front of JIGSAW WOOD the light moved slightly backwards and forwards until 10.30 p.m.
Our M.G's were active throughout the night. The enemy at 3.15 a.m. fired 24 rounds of medium size T.M. Bombs which fell around I.31/5 (4th Div. Trench Map) about 20 yds. short of our front line trench.
At 5.30 a.m. 3 Germans were seen walking from the direction of KEELING COPSE towards CARTRIDGE TRENCH. They wore great coats and did not carry rifles. When fired on they disappeared into a trench.