22/8/17 - 23/8/17
Patrols were out in front of I.31/4 and I.31/3 during the night. No signs of the enemy were seen, but a shell hole was discovered about 40 yds. from our wire in front of I.31/3 which had obviously lately been occupied by the enemy.
Our Artillery carried out an organised shoot on DEVILS TRENCH between 4.0 p.m. and 5.0p.m. Trench Mortars fired on same objectives between 9.45 and 10 p.m.
Activity below normal. At 3.45 p.m. and again at 4.15 p.m. a light barrage was put down in the neighbourhood of MUSKET and BAYONET TRENCH lasting about 5 minutes.
During the night some shells fell in the neighbourhood of I.31.c.20.05. At 5 a.m. about 20 77 m.m. shells fell near MONCHY and ORCHARD RESERVE.
A shoot was carried out against enemy M.G. emplacements at I.32.a.00.25. with good results. At 4.0 a.m. a shoot on DEVILS and ARROW TRENCHES in I.32.c. was carried out, in retaliation for light Trench Mortar fire on our working party.
Medium T.M's were fired at Right Coy., Right Sub-Sector at 1.55 a.m. but no damage was done.
Enemy Trench Mortar in I.26.c. fired occasionally during the day, the shells falling between our front line and SCABBARD SUPPORT, and also occasionally during the night.
Our M.G's at G. H. and No. 8 position fired 6,000 rounds indirect on to enemy tracks and Headquarters.
Enemy M.G's were active during the night against wiring parties on the right of the Right Sub-Sector.
An enemy field battery was observed firing from behind a small wood on the left of JIGSAW WOOD. From the flashes it appears to be QUARRY WOOD.
New wire was observed from O.2.a.9.8. to O.2.b.05.70. The enemy seems to be working in his trench and saps between CIGAR COPSE and BOIS DES AUBEPINES.
An enemy sniper was observed firing from a tree in O.3.a.6.8. (approx).
A man wearing a soft cap with a white band round it was seen by CIGAR COPSE.
A good deal of enemy movement was seen at I.21.b.15.75; this spot will be kept under observation with a view to informing the Artillery.
From CHAIN SUPPORT a M.G. position was located in a house in PELVES. This house is at the foot of a big red brick factory chimney, which has been broken off half way down by shell fire.
When our T.M's were firing this morning a green light was sent up from DEVIL. This was followed by another Green light bursting into two. No action followed.
During the bombardment of DEVILS Trench between 4 and 5 p.m. Several of the enemy in front of I.31/4 appear to have been wounded, as shouts and groans were heard coming from the enemy trench.
At 5.15 a.m. scattered parties of the enemy were seen in the neighbourhood of JIGSAW WOOD, KEELING COPSE and the SAND PIT,; apparently working parties returning after a nights toil. Lewis Gun fire was opened up on to the nearer parties.
At 4.0 a.m. enemy put up 4 Green lights about O.2/8 apparently for "lengthen range" as some of his shells were falling on his own trench.
At 6.30 p.m. yesterday 22nd inst., a pigeon was seen flying in an Easterly direction over our lines towards PELVES. The pigeon was watched and lost sight of when it got past PELVES.