21/8/17 - 22/8/17
At 9.40 p.m. a patrol of 1 Offr. and 3 men went out from the right Post at O.2.a.8.7. to locate if possible enemy snipers opposite our right between CIGAR COPSE and the BOIS DES AUBERPINES who had been sniping our wiring parties the night before. No snipers were active and none located. This patrol reported two enemy working parties.
1. Digging in front of Battn. on our right (Exact position could not be located).
2. Wiring with stakes in fron of CIGAR COPSE. Hammering could be distinctly heard.
A patrol of 1 Offr. and 1 N.C.O. went out in front of our wire at about I.31/2 to reconnoitre portion of ARROW TRENCH North of BIT LANE. There was no sound of movement detected. This portion of ARROW appears to be badly knocked about and was very hard to recognise.
A patrol went out from Z Sap about 11.0 p.m. last night. They heard the enemy working on his trench and wire, immediately sent back for a Lewis Gun to open fire. No further work was heard after the Lewis Gun had opened fire.
About 11.30 p.m. a strong enemy working party was reported in DEVILS TRENCH about I.32.a.0.2. A "Very" Light was sent up which by accident was a red one. Directly after this, work ceased and was not heard again.
Our Artillery carried out what appeared to be a gas shell bombardment between 6.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. in the neighbourhood of JIGSAW WOOD.
Enemy Artillery activity was above normal. At about 8.15 p.m. the enemy shelled with 4.2" and 77 m.m., SNAFFLE, Northern end of BRIDOON and MONCHY. The Artillery lifted from SNAFFLE to BRIDOON and from BRIDOON to MONCHY. On enemy shells falling short enemy sent up 1 single green light and range was lengthened.
At 3.45 a.m. enemy shelled our right front line and CHAIN SUPPORT. Two direct hits were obtained on O.2/8. A single green light was again sent up, when range was lengthened.
A light barrage of 4.2" Hows. lasting about 3 minutes was put down on the Support and Reserve and communication trenches of our left Bn at 8.30 p.m. last night and 5.15 a.m. this morning. This has occurred the last two days and it seems likely the enemy is trying to catch working parties.
During the night shoots were carried out against suspected M.G. positions. Heavy retaliation waqs given by us (for enemy gas bombardment) on DEVILS and ARROW TRENCHES.
During the night enemy minenwerfer put over a quantity of gas bombs in 3 successive bombardments between O.2.a.15.95. and I.31.b.5.1. The gas felt fairly strong on the right of this area. Gas N.C.O's were unable to detect the identity of the gas by smell there was not sufficient to take samples.
Enemy trench mortars were very active last evening at "Stand to" firing on our left Coy. from about I.26.c.55.40. Between 2 a.m. and 2.30 a.m. this morning lachrymatory trench mortars firing from above positions, fell between our front line and SCABBARD SUPPORT. It is believed that of about 250 of these mortars a few contained phosgene.
At 11 p.m. 2.0 a.m. and 3.15 a.m. light T.M's fired quantities of gas shells on the right and left of our fron line. The gas drifted along our lines but was not heavy enought to compel us to put on respiratiors.
Our M.G's fired indirect on to enemy tracks in I.33.a. and b. and I.32.b. and on the Battalion H.Qrs. in I.27.a.
The M.G's on our left report their right gun in ROEUX WOOD silenced a hostile M.G. firing from approx I.25.d.65.80. at 9.45 p.m.
Enemy M.G's were more active that usual and swept reserve lines and HAPPY VALLEY during the night.
A good deal of movement can be seen in enemy trenches in front of BOIS DES AUBERPINES.
Most of the Minnie fire reported above came from the direction of CIGAR COPSE.
1 enemy M.G. was firing from behind DEVIL about I.32.a.1.4.; an emplacement can be seen at this point by daylight.
Between 8 and 9 p.m. last evening Artillery were firing short, the shells pitching in front of DEVILS TRENCH. A green light was put up and the range was lengthened.
AT 5.40 p.m. after shelling by our Hows. a fire was observed towards left edge of JIGSAW WOOD and at 7.40 p.m. large volumes of smoke were observed from same place. At 7.40 p.m. large volume of pink smoke was observed from left of BOIS DU SART.
3 enemy searchlights were observed from behind JIGSAW during the night.
A patrol which went out from V Sap returned through W Sap, reports that the enemy appears to be working on the line of shell holes about I.31.d.9.8. It is not yet known whether trench is being dug here or not.