20/8/17 - 21/8/17
An Officers Patrol went out from O.2/8 at midnight towards ARROW S. of BIT LANE. It reached a point about 40 yds. W. of this trench. Sounds of work in the trench were heard as though poles were being driven in. Voices were also heard. The sounds afterwards ceased and "Very" lights were directed towards the patrol.
Sounds of work in DEVIL were also heard.
The patrol noticed on the ground tracks of enemy patrol which had apparently been out earlier on the same night.
A patrol left Y Sap at about 12 midnight and proceeded towards the enemy's wire and returned via K Sap. No signs of enemy were seen.
A fire was caused by our guns North of JIGSAW WOOD.
Quiet on the front system. The vicinity of I.31.c.20.05. was shelled with 5.9's at about 9.15 p.m. and again at midnight. A few shells were fired into MONCHY about 6 a.m. and again at 1.50 p.m.
About 5.30 a.m. BRIDOON was shelled by 77 m.m. guns with H.E. and a few lachrymatory shells.
About 10.30 p.m. he shelled the area of the front system spasmodically.
Our M.G's fired as follows last night :- No. 8 gun in MUSKET RESERVE fired on enemy Battalion Head Quarters in I.27.a. No. 11 gun in H Post fired on enemy tracks in I.33.a and I.32.b. 2 Guns in G Post fired on shell holes E. of CARTRIDGE TRENCH in co-operation with Artillery gas shell bombardment between 5.30 a.m. and 5.45 a.m. The gun at No. 9 Post fired N. of KEELING COPSE during the bombardment. Gun at G Post fired on tracks S. of PELVES AND I.33.a.
Enemy M.G's were active during the night; they swept H Post - RIFLE TRENCH N of LONE AVENUE is swept night and day periodically at the places where it is shallow.
Selected points and suspected M.G. and T.M. positions were fired on at different times during the night.
Enemy T.M's from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. were active on I.31/5. These were firing from about I.26.c.55.40.
A T.M. fired about 20 rounds at our wiring parties in front of TWIN Trench. First shots went well over our trench but the range was gradually shortened. The Artillery was informed and our field guns opened fire. The T.M. did not fire again. The flash of this T.M. was observed in line with the West end of CIGAR COPSE and our Post at the Eastern end of O.2/6.
Enemy snipers were quiet on the right and did not fire at our working parties.
At 5.50 p.m. signalling was observed from FRESNES. At 9.50 p.m. signalling was observed from between HATCHET and JIGSAW WOODS.
Enemy captive balloon was observed signalling behind DELBAR WOOD at 9.0 p.m. Signalling was observed from direction of PELVES during the night.
A hostile post has been located at I.25.d.20.90. movement was observed here yesterday, only the steel helmets of the men being visible.
A sniper firing from about I.25.d.9.5. last night was silenced by Lewis Gun fire.
An enemy wiring party was heard opposite V Sap about 11.0 p.m. Lewis Gun fire was opened on to it.
A German was seen walking from DEVILS TRENCH to a shell hole behind it about O.2.b.1.9. and was fired at.
Enemy was heard working on DEVILS about I.32.a.7.2. most of the night.
At 7 a.m. an E.A. flew over our lines, dropped 3 bombs in the direction of MONCHY and then returned.