11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary

19/8/17 - 20/8/17


Our own

An Officers patrol left Sap O.2/6 at 10.20 p.m. with the intention of locating the approximate lines of German Posts in front of BOIS DES AUBEPINES and finding out if the ground was clear for putting out a covering party well in adavance of our wiring parties. The patrol crossed in front of TWIN COPSES about O.2.b.0.4. then moved towards BOIS DES AUBEPINES; after a short distance it was fired on from apparently a Post in front of DEVILS TRENCH after waiting some minutes patrol moved to left towards junction of TWIN TRENCH and O.2/6. It was again fired on from a different shell hole in advance of DEVILS TRENCH and on the North slope of the Ridge. The patrol returned at 11.15 p.m. The enemy appeared to be very alert and frequent lights were sent up.

A standing patrol went out from I.31/1 as soon as it was dark about 20 yds. in front of our wire. No Germans were seen and nothing was heard.



Enemy Artillery quiet by day more active by night. 7 a.m. several 77 .m. shells fell near BRIDOON, the parapet being hit twice. 9 p.m. 77 m.m. shells fell along the line of ARROW SUPPORT and derelict trench behind it. 9.30 p.m. about 30 5.9's fell along I.31/1 and CHAIN SUPPORT. 3 direct hits were obtained. About 15 shells were fired again on this area at 10.15 p.m.

The enemy shelled our back areas by day but was quiet on the front line. About 8.45 p.m. the enemy shelled SCABBARD SUPPORT, RIFLE SUPPORT with 4.2 Hows. At about 9.15 p.m. the enemy shelled our front and support lines woth Hows. and 5.9's.


Our Own

Our M.G's in G. and H. Posts fired 5,000 rounds at enemy tracks from 10.0 p.m. to 12 m/n and 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.


Enemy M.G's were active.


Our Own

During the night the usual harassing fire was kept up on the German front line, special attention being paid to portions of the line in I.31.b.


Light Trench mortar activity was below normal and was only employed in retaliation for our fire.


At 7 a.m. timber as seen being carried along CARTRIDGE at intervals of 10 minutes.

At 10.0 a.m. a German was seen to get out of DEVILS TRENCH at about I.32.c.95.05. and walk to a shell hole in rear; he was shot at as he stepped into the shell hole.

A German was seen looking out of DEVILS TRENCH at about O.2.b.08.85.; he was also fired at.

Timber was seen being carried in DEVILS North of BIT LANE. A German was seen coming out of a house on the Southern side of PELVES and was fired on.

At 7.40 p.m. a "Very" Light was sent up from ARROW South of BIT LANE.

Enemy's Trench Mortars and Machine Guns were active at intervals throughout the night. An old enemy M.G. emplacement was found about 20 yds. in front of Y Sap. Boxes of German M.G. belts were found in it.

At 7.30 p.m. signalling was observed from about I.15.c.1.2. lasting half-an-hour. These signals appeared to be answered from I.28.b.4.5. (QUARRY WOOD).

A daylight patrol went out as far as I.31.b.8.8. About 20 yds. away on the road appears to be an enemy listening post, new earth having been thrown up. The enemy wire is very thick in front of here.

A working party was observed at 4.45 a.m. this morning about I.32.d.62.67. It was dispersed by Lewis Gun fire. Work was proceeding at this point about the same time yesterday and it is thought that this may be a party which works all night until dawn.


When enemy shells fell short near CIGAR COPSE and DOIS DES AUBEPINES, Green flares were at once put up in quick succession.


Snipers were active throughout the night opposite the Right Coy. Right Sub Sector, against wiring parties. Flashes were observed from 3 places and fired on.

20th August, 1917. (Signed) For B.G.C., 11th Infantry Brigade.