for 24 hours ending 6 a.m. 19.9.17.
A standing patrol of 1 Officer and 11 other ranks went out from I.31/1 to about 20 Yards in front of our wire and remained there until dawn.
Patrols went out from O.2/7 and O.2/6 to examine our wire and no man's land.
A patrol went out from O.2/6 and visited the posts and trenches of the Battalion on the Right.
In no case were any Germans seen and no work was heard.
A patrol of 1 N.C.O. and 1 Man was out yesterday morning from 4.0 a.m. to 12 midday. They took up position about 40 yds. in front of our wire at I.32.c.06.35. No enemy movement was observed. Enemy Machine Guns were seen to fire at our Aircraft from the neighbourhood of GUN TRENCH. The wire in fron of ARROW TRENCH is barbed concertina and strong.
ANGEL TRENCH was shelled between 12.0 noon and 1 p.m.
Intermittent shelling of the enemy front line and back area during the day and night.
Our Trench Mortars fired salvoes at 9.0 p.m. and 4 a.m.
Very active from 6.30 a.m. to 10.0 a.m. and again from 10.15 a.m. to 10.0 p.m. During this time the trench North of the river were shelled with a gun of large calibre. About 12 5.9 shells fell in the vicinity of the Northern end of WELFORD RESERVE during the afternoon. The bank near Left Battalion Hd. Qrs. was searched during this period. CRUMP TRENCH was shelled during the evening. The single Railway Arch was shelled intermittently all day.
The night was quiet. At 4.30 a.m. about 10 77 m.m. shells were fired at O.2/8. Only one direct hit was obtained. They came from approximately East of the BOIS DES AUBEPINES.
During the night H Post was swept periodically by M.G. fire. Direction not ascertained.
Between 8.30 p.m. and 9.0 p.m. I25/2 to I.25/3 were traversed.
Shoots were carried out on the following positions during the night.
1. At irregular intervals salvoes and bursts were fired on enemy front line at I.25.d.75.35. I.31.b.90.70. and I.32.c.20.30.
2. At 4.0 a.m. an organised shoot was carried out by all guns on the German front line. This shoot lasted three minutes during which time 152 rounds were fired. The machine guns co-operated in the operation.
The T.M. previously located at I.26.c.55.40. was active during the night on RIFLE TRENCH.
A few medium T.M's. fell between our front and Reserve Lines about I.31.c.55.95. in retaliation for our T.M. activity.
Retaliation was given for our firing, which was heavier than usual.
Enemy T.M. was located at I.32.c.20.25. This gun was very active in retaliation.
An enemy working party was observed at I.32.d.57.63. at 5.0 a.m. this morning, they were dispersed by Lewis Gun fire and later a man was observed being carried away apparently on a stretcher.
At 1.0 a.m. an enemy patrol was observed in No Man's Land about I.31.d.90.95. They were fired on by Lewis Guns and dispersed.
At 1.20 a.m. yesterday morning a German was killed immediately in front of P.1. Post. A sentry on the Post hearing suspicious sounds in the grass immediately in rear of his Post turned round and saw a German about 12 feet away kneeling in the grass. He ordered him to put up his hands, the German began handling his rifle so the sentry shot him through the head. He had evidently been wading through the marsh as he was wet up to his waist and was wearing no equipment. He was thoroughly searched and his effects forwarded to Division. A patrol was sent out after this to reconnoitre the ground, which was reported all clear.
New work has been observed on ARCHIE TRENCH I.25.d.15.95. also on bridge at the RED HOUSE.
Many "Very" lights were sent up from DEVILS TRENCH between CIGAR COPSE and BOIS DES AUBEPINES. With the assistance of these lights a sniper was active against our carrying and wiring parties from a shell hole about O.2.b.0.9. The flash of his rifle was fired at.
At "Stand down" three Germans were seen returning towards BOIS DES AUBEPINES about O.2.b.25.65. They were fired at.
At 8.40 p.m. a very dark red double light was sent up by enemy from JIGSAW WOOD; this was followed after 2 minutes by a "Very" light (white). Nothing was observed to follow.
Between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. an enemy searchlight as observed from behind DELBAR WOOD.
Enemy trench mortars were active between 2.15 a.m. and 3.30 a.m. on BRIDOON LANE and the ORCHARD. At 6 p.m. yesterday a fire was observed on the W. side of PLOUVAIN.