11th Inf. Bde. No. BM 63/317.

11th Infantry Brigade - Daily Intelligence Summary

16/8/17 - 17/8/17


Our own

A patrol went out at midnight from X Sap and worked along in front of our wire returning via W Sap.

Another patrol went out at 1 a.m. with a view to reconnoitering the wire in front of DEVILS TRENCH but had to return owing to the enemy's activity with rifle grenades and T.M's at this hour.

A standing patrol under an Officer was out all noght about 30 yds. in front of our wire at I.32/2. An N.C.O. and 2 men crept forward towards the enemy's lines. A Very light was fired from a shell hole about I.31.b.95.10. The enemy was also observed working on his wire in front of DEVILS TRENCH about I.32.a.2.3. with a covering party in front.

An Officers patrol went out at 1.30 a.m. and worked along below the top bank on the E side of the ravine to a point about 60 yds. from E Sap. A Machine Gun was seen to fire from the N end of ARCHIE TRENCH about I.25.d.4.8. They also heard the Machine Gunner cough and work his crank handle and the sound of digging was heard from this point. The patrol returned at 3.0 a.m.

An Officers patrol went out at 9.15 p.m. from N. end of FINGER. No forward posts were occupied by the enemy but the grass showed many tracks. A Machine Gun appeard by the sound to fire from a position at the edge of the lake at I.25.b.1.1.

An Officers patrol lefy Y Sap at midnight. They proceeded about 60 yds. along HARNESS LANE and then N along ANGEL about 50 yds. outside the enemy wire. Nothing was seen or heard.



Very quiet. At 8.0 a.m. 10 rounds of 4.2 in. fell around B Sap. Both yesterday morning and at 4.0 a.m. this morning about 8 to 10 rounds fell between BAYONET and WELFORD S. of JOHNSON. HIMALAYA was shelled several times during the day.

During our bombardment between 1.15 a.m. and 1.45 a.m. the enemy retaliated on our right Coy with medium Trench Mortars and 4.2 on our front and support lines. It would appear that when green lights were sent up the range was lengthened. A T.M. about I.32.d.15.80. was again active. A T.M. was also firing from about I.32.c.8.3.

G Post was heavily shelled with 5.9 Hows. betweet 2.30 p.m. and 3 p.m. yesterday afternoon. The trench at pt. H.36.d.2.5. was blown in.

Machine Guns on our left flank report. enemy artillery very quiet on the whole. At 10 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. aerial torpedoes landed in ROEUX Village. at 5.30 a.m. two more aerial torpedoes landed in ROEUX WOOD near the river bank.


Our Own

Our M.G's at G, H and Orchard position fired on enemy tracks and roads between the followong hours. 10 - 10.30 p.m., 11.30 p.m. - 12 m/n., 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Target - tracks between N. end of SACK WOOD and I.26.d.6.5.


Enemy M.G's swept periodically during the night the vicinity of G and H Posts. Long range - unlocated.

Enemy M.G's traversed ELBOW and FINGER at intervals during the night, also WELFORD at intervals about 9.0 and 11 p.m. Very active after midnight.

Machine Guns on our left flank report. Enemy M.G. fire below normal. Gun on South bank of river was very active from 9.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. and again at 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. Gun firing from HAUSA WOOD direction, only opened up about 3 times at 10 p.m.


Our Own

During the night shoots were carried out on ANGEL, DEVILS and ARCHIE Trenches.


Retaliation was given by T.M's for our fire but was eventually silenced by us.


A 2.30 p.m. a white dog was seen at I.31.b.8.7. for a few seconds and quickly disappeared into enemy Sap. Voices were distinctly head calling to it. At 3.15 p.m. a dog was again seen in the same place, it was fired at but not hit, it disappeared into the enemy Sap.

At 3.0 p.m. a terrier with two puppies was seen at I.25.d.4.9. They disappeared into a dugout.

Our M.G's fired short bursts during the night. An enemy gun appeared to fire from I.31.b.95.10 and was probably involved in covering the wiring party mentioned above.

This morning between 4.45 a.m. and 5.15 a.m. enemy kite balloon over JIGSAW WOOD was observed signalling with a daylight lamp. At the same time the enemy fired 4 white rockets bursting into two white stars from the junction of DEVILS TRENCH and BIT LANE ending up with one green light. Immediately after this the enemy fired 4 salvoes from field guns at the area between the front line and MONCHY.


Between 4.0 and 6.0 p.m. E.A. were very active over our lines; they were dispersed by our own machines and M.G. fire and also A.A. fire.

17th August, 1917. (Signed) For B.G.C., 11th Infantry Brigade.