11th Inf. Bde. No. BM 63/292.
15/8/17 - 16/8/17
A standing patrol was out from 12 midnight until 3.45 a.m. 30 yds. in front of our line between BIT LANE and T Sap. Nothing of importance was noticed.
A hostile patrol was heard about 20 yds. from W Sap about 1 a.m. Lewis Gun fire was opened on it.
200 5.9 shells were fired on to the road about pt. H.28.c.3.3. between 2.30 and 5.30 p.m. yesterday. 18 of which were blinds. The enemy was apparently shelling what he took to be a battery position. No casualties occurred.
Enemy granatenwerfer were active between 12 midnight and 3 a.m.
During the night the following points were fired on by our Stokes Mortars.
1. Salvoes on enemy wire at I.32.c.20.40.
2. Bursts of intense fire on enemy front line I.31.b.95.60 to I.32.c.05.25.
3. Machine Gun emplacement at I.31.b.80.70.
Enemy front line at I.25.b.75.40. to I.31.b.50.80.
The enemy retaliated slightly for our fire on his front line. When firing on his front line from I.31.b.95.65. to I.32.c.05.25 Claret lights were put up from the front line but as far as could be ascertained nothing happened.
Bombarded our front line South of the River at intervals during the night, the last shoot taking place at 4.45 a.m.
About 5 a.m. 2 enemy light trench mortars were observed firing from about the junction of GRENADE TRENCH with BIT LANE (I.32.d.15.80.)
An Officer examined our wire from BIT LANE to junction of RIFLE and CHAIN Trenches. The wire is rather weak and out in places especially across BIT LANE and on the left of the front inspected. In most places the entanglement consists of thin strands of barbed wire and trip wire. There is some concertina wire (French).