Worked Examples
Family Tree - The Julio-Claudian family tree. This is (notionally) a multi-agent dialogue to extract knowledge (a family tree) from historical source text. Agents assert facts based on extracts from source text. These claims can be supported, contradicted or modified by other agents. The final consensus is a set of acceptable (and hopefully verified) claims that represent ‘knowledge’.
Chronology - Events from Roman history. Agent assertions describe instants and intervals in time. I use these to derive partial orders.
Timeline - Chronology of events linked by a common entity. A graph linking events through mention of common entities carries information about the nature of the entities and their relationships. It supports sensemaking.
Concepts - Formal concept analyis (FCA). This considers text strings as objects and substrings as attributes. FCA gives insight into how the objects are related through shared attributes.
Debate - An experiment in applied argumentation. This example captures the debate about Artificial Intelligence.